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Stefan Leder
Jan 07, 2024
In Feature requests
Hi, I didn't found this topic in this forum, so I hope I didn't doublepost it. I'm using UG for years now and have designed many decks with the help of the advanced search. Because of this experience I wan't to give some recommondations, to make the advanced search site more user friendly. • Make it possible to customice it, when you're logged in. Even after many years some options I never used (doesn't mean someone else wants it but for me they are useless). The advanced search site is already cluttered with different stuff and long enougth. It would be nicer if I could remove some search options and only have left the "importent" ones. Specially on small screens (Smart phone) it's a looooong list to scroll down, until I come to the more importent parts for my current task e.g. to build a red deck. • general "exclude" option for every textbox with multiple entries (aka "Words seperated by ',' ") simply with a minus-symbol before the word. For example I search for every card that contains the word "Artifact" but not "creature Artifact". That would look like "artifact, -creature artifact". Currently I have to write the "creature artifact" in the seperate "Exclude" Textbox. But when I try to find a creature with the type X but not with Y or even in general all creatures who are not type Y, currently it is impossible (sometimes helpfull for the many "target non-human" cards). • Because of the bignes of commander and the special rules of it the search options for "cards that are only suitable for the coloridentity xyz" is in there. But I'm missing sometimes "find a commander that has the color identity xyz". They're not all multicolor cards. Therefore when I try to find commanders who fit my wanted colors I have to go througth ALL commanders that have e.g. ONLY one or two colors to find a commander for the three colors I want, or running multiple searches with all possible combinations of mana symbols in the text box and color of the card. • The last thing is some kind of a "help". If you're not dedicated, probably you'll never find, that you can search for symbols (like mana symbols, or tap-symbol) in the card text. And even then I've to test if it was (), [],<>, or {} because every site or program use something different. I know every point would deserve an own threat, but I see it more as on big update for UG, not with a new feature, but with a big improvement of an already existing feature. I liked the sleekness and simple design of UG compared to other similar sites/programs/Apps. But the Advanced Search site is it not. I hope some ideas I brought here have positive resonance and are possible to implement. Thanks for every who read until here. sincerely Stefan
Stefan Leder
Feb 09, 2021
In Feature requests
Hi, can you please add the Tokens from the Commander Set? Thank you Stefan

Stefan Leder

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