Ok, so I went and looked for the save data files and now I am not as hopeful as I was earlier. The last save I have is a .UGS file in 2017 which is small(144kb) compared to previous .csv or .urza data files(2600KB) which I did in 2015. The place holder files which were created in the move to the HDD date 2019 which indicates that I moved them in 2019.
So, I tried to hedge my bets and moved the app back to my C; drive. Alas, it still did not boot up. With my new concerns that I may not have backed it up in 2019 before the move to external HDD, I am wondering if I could locate that last data files in the program files before I delete the app? -or am I out of luck? Ill await your answer before I delete the app and reinstall it.