A lot of tokens are getting priced at insanely high prices, I found the follow tokens in my collection: - Bird Token (White 1/1) MH2 17,94€
- Bird Token (White 1/1) M21 17,94€
- Bird Token (White 1/1) MH1 17,94€
- Bird Token (White 1/1) BNG 17,94€
- Bird Token (Blue 2/2) Theros 17,94€
- Wurm (Green 5/5) AKH 13,68€
- Wurm (Green 6/6) DDS 13,68€
These are just the most expensive examples, but there are a lot of other tokens which are multiple euro's a piece.
P.s. I didn't include the prices that they are on Cardmarket.com
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